In Review
Lortie, C.J, Brown, C., Filazzola, A., Haas-Desmarais, S., Lucero, J., Callaway, R., Braun, J. Dryland plant networks are more connected by invasive brome and native shrub facilitation. Scientific Reports.
Holden, E., Salimbayeva, K., Brown, C., Stotz, G., Cahill Jr, J. F. Negative plant-soil feedbacks of invasive species compound over time but are not helpful in aiding native plant recovery. Ecology
Oppon, K., Peetoom Heida, I., Brown, C., Cahill Jr, J. F. Social context affects net impact of soil biota on plant growth. Oikos.
Brown, C., Rodriguez-Buritica, S., Goldberg, D.E., Reichenbacher, F., Webb, R.H., Venable, L., Wilder, B.T. (In Press). 106 years of change in a Sonoran Desert plant community: impact of climate anomalies and trends in species sensitivities. Ecology.
Radujkovic, D., [and 35 other authors, including Brown. C]. (In Press). Consistent predictors of microbial community composition across spatial scales in grasslands reveal low context-dependency. Molecular Ecology.
Mahal, H. F., Barber-Cross, T., Brown, C., Spaner, D., Cahill Jr, J. F. 2023. Changes in the amount and distribution of soil nutrients and neighbours have differential impacts on root and shoot architecture in wheat (Triticum aestivum). Plants 12(13): 2527.
Liu, C., Groff, T., Anderson, E.*, Brown, C., Cahill Jr, J.F., Paulow L., Bennet, J. A. 2023. Effects of the invasive leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula L.) on plant community structure are altered by management history. NeoBiota 81: 157-182.
Barber-Cross, T., Filazzola, A., Brown, C., Dettlaff, M., Batbaatar, A., Grenke, J., Peetom Heida, I., Cahill Jr, J.F. 2022. A global inventory of animal biodiversity measured in different grazing treatments. Scientific Data, 9(1): 1-8.
Smith, E.A.*, Holden, E.M., Brown, C., Cahill Jr, J.F. 2022. Disturbance has lasting effects on functional traits and diversity of grassland plant communities. PeerJ, 10:e13179 DOI 10.7717/peerj.13179.
Brown, C., Cahill Jr, J.F. 2022. Competitive size-asymmetry, not intensity, leads to short-term species loss and gain in native plant communities. Ecology, 103(6): e3675.
Lortie, C. J., Filazzola, A., Brown, C., Lucero, J. 2021. Facilitation promotes plant invasions and indirect negative interactions. Oikos, 130(7): 1056-1061.
Davison, J., [and 41 other authors, including Brown. C]. 2021. Temperature and pH define the realized niche space of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. New Phytologist, 231(2): 763-776.
Peetom Heida, I., Brown, C., Dettlaff, M., Oppon, K., Cahill Jr., J. F. 2021. Presence of a dominant native shrub is associated with minor shifts in the function and composition of grassland communities in a northern savannah. AoB Plants, 13(2): plab011.
Brown, C., Cahill Jr, J.F. 2020. Standing vegetation as a coarse biotic filter for seedbank dynamics: effects of gap creation on seed inputs and outputs in a native grassland. Journal of Vegetation Science, 31(6): 1006-1016. Special feature: “Dispersal and establishment”.
Filazzola, A., Brown, C., Westphal, M., Lortie, C. J. 2020. Establishment of a desert foundation species is limited by exotics and light but not herbivory or water. Applied Vegetation Science, 23(4): 587-597.
Filazzola, A., Brown, C., Dettlaff, M., Batbaatar, A., Grenke, J., Bao, T., Peetom-Heida, I.*, Cahill Jr., J.F. 2020. Grazing effects on global biodiversity is multi-trophic: a meta-analysis. Ecology Letters, 23(8): 1298-1309.
Brown, C., Cahill Jr, J.F. 2019. Vertical size structure is associated with productivity and species diversity in a short-stature grassland: Evidence for the importance of height variability within herbaceous communities. Journal of Vegetation Science, 30(5): 780-798.
Brown, C., Oppon, K.J.*, Cahill Jr, J.F. 2019. Species-specific size vulnerabilities in a competitive arena: Nutrient heterogeneity and soil fertility alter plant competitive size-asymmetries. Functional Ecology, 33(8):1491-1503.
Chagnon, P.L., Brown, C., Stotz, G., Cahill Jr, J.F. 2018. Soil biotic quality lacks spatial structure and is positively associated with fertility in a northern grassland. Journal of Ecology, 106(1): 195-206.
Brown, C. & Lundholm, J. 2015. Microclimate and substrate depth influence green roof plant community dynamics. Landscape and Urban Planning, 143: 134-142.
Chagnon, P.L., Brown, C., Cahill Jr, J.F. 2020. Non-pathogenetic drivers of plant-soil feedbacks. Authorea Preprints.